Marcher Leadership Blog
Book Review: "On Leadership", Harvard Business Review, 2011
In the Harvard Business Review's 2011 publication "On Leadership," a compilation of ten articles by various authors delves into the multifaceted nature of leadership in modern organisations.
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: A Book Review
Darren Hardy, a successful entrepreneur and speaker, offers valuable insight in his book "The Compound Effect." This book focuses on how small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time.
Teamwork; What Must Go Right / What Can Go Wrong
In "Teamwork What Must Go Right What Can Go Wrong," authors Carl Larson and Frank LaFasto explore the essential components of effective teamwork and the pitfalls that can hinder team success.
If Leadership Was a Precious Metal, It Would Have a High Share Price
Just as gold or platinum commands high share prices due to their rarity and intrinsic value, effective leadership too seems increasingly hard to find, making it a prized asset in any organization.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell: A Review
John C. Maxwell's "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is a profound exploration of effective leadership principles that have stood the test of time.
John C Maxwell's "High Road Leadership" Book Review
High Road Leadership by John C Maxwell is a comprehensive guide for leaders who want to cultivate a positive work environment and inspire their teams to achieve success.
Scaling Up by Verne Harnish: A Review
I immediately went out and purchased “Scaling Up’, and very soon, after only a few pages, I realised that this was a “must read” for anyone serious about running a business. I commend it to you.
Maverick by Ricardo Semler: A Review
Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World's Most Unusual Workplace" by Ricardo Semler, often simply referred to as "Semler," is a compelling account of radical corporate reinvention.
Moments of Truth: A Book Review
Read Mark Cowan-Aston's review of the 1989 book “Moments of Truth” by Jan Carlson.
Overcoming Nerves When Giving Presentations
Explore effective strategies for overcoming presentation nerves. Learn how presentation skills training can further enhance your ability to deliver compelling presentations.
Top 3 Books Leaders Should Read
It’s been said that “Readers are leaders.” The fact is reading is important for a leader’s overall professional and personal development. But with so many books out there it can be overwhelming.
What are the Key Objectives of the Emerging Leaders Program?
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is designed with three key objectives for participants to make it highly practical and actionable.
Why Join a Leadership Training Program?
Joining a Leadership Training Program is a powerful way to accelerate your overall personal and professional growth and take your leadership to the next level.
5 Leadership Models Great Leaders Use
Just as there are many types of leaders there are also many types of leadership models. In this blog we will explore 5 that are used by great leaders.
5 Mistakes to Avoid as an Emerging Leader
Leadership comes with a learning curve and even the most established leaders are not immune from mistakes.
What Do Employers Look for in a Emerging Leader?
In the modern workplace employers look for key traits in emerging leaders to ensure the success and growth of their organisations.
What are the Benefits of Presentation Skills Training?
Presentations are a big part of professional life so they do matter and contrary to popular belief, presentation skills are something you can learn and develop.
How to Spot an Emerging Leader in Your Workplace
An emerging leader stands out in the workplace. With a keen eye, you can spot team members who have the potential to become strong leaders.
How to Develop and Nurture an Emerging leader?
Every workplace should develop and nurture an emerging leader to benefit them and the wider team, which is a win-win for everyone.
What is the Emerging Leaders Program?
The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) through Marcher Leadership provides organisations with a solid foundation to build their leadership capability in this digital age and beyond.
Effective Presentation Skills for Leaders
Discover key presentation skills essential for leaders, including mastering eye contact, showing enthusiasm, maintaining proper posture and more.
What Tangible Outcomes Can I Get from Presentation Skills Training?
Presentation skills training not only enhances your ability to speak and present effectively, but also provides practical benefits that can be applied in your workplace.
What’s the Difference Between the Leadership Mastermind Program & Ordinary Leadership Training?
There are key differences between a Leadership Mastermind Program and ordinary leadership training. Deciding which is best for you will be based on your unique goals and circumstances.
Can Anyone Be Taught to become a Great Leader?
It’s often said that leaders are born rather than made. While we all have innate talents and capabilities that make us naturally better at some skills than others, leadership is a skill that can be taught so anyone can be a leader.
Anatomy of a Great Presentation
Delivering a great presentation is crucial, but knowing how to craft one is the first step. In this blog post, we'll explore the elements that make a presentation effective.
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
In this blog we will explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. What it is and how it benefits leaders.
Should Employers Promote Presentation Skills Training for Employees?
Learn how presentation skills training benefits employees and organisations by enhancing speaking abilities, boosting confidence and ensuring consistent messaging.