Can Anyone Be Taught to become a Great Leader?
It’s often said that leaders are born rather than made. While we all have innate talents and capabilities that make us naturally better at some skills than others, leadership is a skill that can be taught so anyone can be a leader.
Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking is a crucial leadership skill. It is the mental process through which visions are created, and a plan is put in place for how it will be achieved. Strategic thinking involves the gathering and analysing of data. That information will then be used to inform the decision-making process.
Communication Skills
Leaders must have excellent communication skills, both verbally and written, in order to convey a company’s vision and overall goals. Good communicators are better able to delegate tasks and give clear instructions. Leadership training can help with developing communication skills.
Adaptability and Change Management
At times of rapid change leaders are able to pivot, change course if needed and adapt. We saw this during COVID with some organisations prospering due to the fact they had leaders proficient in change management.
Organisational Skills
Organisational skills include, but are not limited to:
- good time management,
- task prioritising, and
- effective scheduling.
These must be fully developed in good leaders and are skills that can be learnt during leadership training.
Enrol in our Leadership Mastermind Program today.